Figure 1

Iceberg model of the conscious and the subconscious.
Figure 2

Connecting the abstract to the emotional
Figure 3

Aztec Heart Sacrifice
Figure 4

Ideological Structure of Consumerism
Figure 5

Ideological Structure of Contributionism
Figure 6

Consumerism and Contributionism cycles
Figure 7

Consumer Community
Figure 8

Development of Consumerism
Figure 9

Charle Bradlaugh
Figure 10

The Frontal Cortex
Figure 11

Insular Cortex and the Amygdala
Figure 12

Ideological Complexity and the Distance Between the Abstract and the Emotional
Figure 13

Innate Values Affect & Bias Cultural Values, Emotions and Behaviours
Figure 14

Duality of Empathy
Figure 15

Pendulum of cooperative form
Figure 16

Income Share in the USA
Figure 17

Force Against Changing Reality
Figure 18

Approval of Interracial Marriage
Figure 19

Ideological Structure of English Christianity
Figure 20

Ideological Structure of English Secularism
Figure 21

Ideological Structure of High House Prices
Figure 22

House Prices Change in the UK
Figure 23

Ideological Structure of Affordable Housing
Figure 24

Ideological Structure of Drug Prohibition
Figure 25

The Fundamental Economic Problem with Drug Prohibition
Figure 26

Ideological Structure of Drug Decriminalisation
Figure 27

Ideological Structure of Climate Change Denial
Figure 28

Human Beings Nature's Weirdest Animal
Figure 29

Evolution of the Brain
Figure 30

Ideological Stucture of English Christianity
Figure 31

Behavioural Range
Figure 32

Different Behavioural Ranges Depending on Understandings of Reality
Figure 33

Ideological Stucture of English Christianity
Figure 34

Society Shifting Toward Reality-Based Perspective
Figure 35

Two Different Societies
Figure 36

Common Ground
Figure 37

Social Disconnection Due to Behavioural Range
Figure 38

Horseshoe Theory of the Political Spectrum
Figure 39

The Political Spectrum of Group Boundary Definition
Figure 40

Legal-Social Gap
Figure 41

Cognitive Deviance
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